
Tutorial for the Torus and Reflection

Step 1:Preparation

Use the guillotine to cut  the aluminium sheet to the size what you want.

Step 2:
Use the cylindrical wood as template to bend the aluminum sheet, give it a initial circular shape.
Step 3:
Use round plastic hammer to hit the mid part of the sheet, shape it to a concave shape (hit the sheet uniformly, keep the curving shape of the sheet.)
Keep hitting until  the whole mid part of sheet is concave (shows in next picture)

Step 4:
This is the time to make the two sides of sheet concave. First, use hammer to hit the side of this curve part, make it curve upward. ( use hand to hold the sheet stand, this will be easy to concave this part)
Give an initial curve shape of the sheet and do next step.

Step 5: Refine the reverse curve.
After defined all the parts of the sheet, use a polishing hammer with a rounds metal stand to make the curve part more accurate and smooth.Carefully stretch and shape the metal, to stretch this element until there is a perfect fit.

Step 6:

 Use a polishing hammer to hit the sheet lightly, in order to get rid of any unwanted creases and scratches.Use the english wheel to make it smooth.

Final Step:
Use the Brasso to polish the aluminium sheet.

Industrial design related to my work 

Architecture form related to my work



The Torus

Step 1: put metal on the cylindrical , bend it. Step 2: use hammer to hit the mid part of metal. Step 3: use sandbag and hammer to hit the side of the sunken part. make it curve upward. Step 4: hit the smaller curved parts on the bending steel Step 5: use englishwheel to make it smooth. Step 6: Polish it .

The tray

Step 1 use metal cutter to cut the metal according to wood template Step 2: Polish each sides, make it smooth. Step 3: use wood template and hammer to hit each side , make it upward. Step 4: Trim the edge Step 5 : Fail!!!!!  can not match my partner's tary. Step 6: make another one